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Prayer for Wednesday of Holy Week

Prayer for Wednesday of Holy Week

Wednesday April 12 2017

Lord Jesus
in the end
when the darkness has it
and the kingdom is sold out
for a bargain price
and thirty pieces of silver
seems reasonable for an ending
may we pause 
and measure the world
against this kingdom moment
and in the silence
affirm the greater love
that chooses not to fight this
but love it
and not to respond
other than by giving self
Lord Jesus
in the end 
when the darkness has it
and heaven’s hand is forced
and love is exposed
in the endgame of power
may we affirm
even at this moment
love does not let go
give up
or back away
but chooses even now
to cross the line
empty self
give everything
and trust 
this way
is the only way
because there is nothing else to give
Lord Jesus
in the end
when the darkness has it
and the light stutters
beneath whatever shadow it is that covers us
may we affirm
deep in the silence
…in endings
The Rev Roddy Hamilton