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Prayers for Holy Week: Maundy Thursday

Prayers for Holy Week: Maundy Thursday

Thursday April 9 2020

By the Rev David Coleman, chaplain, Eco-Congregation Scotland

I give you a new commandment, that you love one another.
Just as I have loved you,
you also should love one another.
By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.’
(John 13: 34-35)

A Prayer with Peter

when everything is going so well,
when despite everything, we’ve got our act together
what are you up to now?

Jesus, I’m ready to dress you up, 
to crown you, given half a chance.
It makes me feel safe to have someone to look up to.

Then I turn round and find you half-dressed.
kneeling like some skivvy
giving humility a bad name, because
you’re still the boss
digging in with choices.
Insisting on our dignity.

Jesus, You know how reassuring
is the firm hand of authority.
You yourself said ‘yes or no’. [Matthew 5:37]
nothing else will do.
Clear instructions make it easy.

But you’re crafty
(as you taught us to be)
“snakes as well as doves”.  [Matthew 10:16]

So Jesus, you twist it 
- holding on to truth nonetheless:-
passing off a choice as a command.
that we love each other 
as completely
as challengingly 
as irritatingly 
as persistently 
as earthily 
as you have insisted 
on loving us. 

That no servant should avoid being cared for:
That no leader should only be served:


Where might that lead?
- That marriage is only of equals?
- That  the rich should ensure the end of poverty?
- That human beings should serve the Earth, rather than exploit it?
- That the perfect  arrogance of “selflessness” 
be tempered
by the honouring of hospitality. 

Will they notice this about your disciples
now, or in days to come?

Jesus! It’s not too late:

Here are my feet. 
They might look clean,
but give ‘em  a good scrub anyway.

Let it be so
