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Prayers for Holy Week: Wednesday

Prayers for Holy Week: Wednesday

Wednesday April 8 2020

A Prayer for Wednesday of Holy Week, from the Very Rev Dr James Simpson

Lord and Master,
We have difficulty grasping the mystery of the incarnation, of you walking and talking with ordinary people like us , sharing their joys and tears, knowing their hunger, their weakness, their pain and their fears.

Forgive us when we try to make our faith a puzzle to be solved, rather than a life to be lived to your glory.

When we meditate this week on you travelling that last awful journey to Calvary, we know that the life of faith is possible here on earth, for you lived here, despised, rejected, betrayed and crucified - and, thankfully, finally triumphant.

When we bring to you our troubles, we know that you understand.  You endured so much.

We bring also our pains, knowing that on the Cross you suffered excruciating pain.

When we mourn, as many mourn today the loss of a loved one as a result of coronavirus, we remember how you wept on the death of your friend Lazarus.

You loved the outsider, the outcasts, those whom respectable people despised. We pray that throughout this Holy Week we might be given wisdom and strength to carry on your ministry of caring love, not only for the lovable but for those whom we often find it  difficult to love.
