Monday February 6 2023
In February’s cold, winter darkness
when we long for winter’s end
and the coming of spring
we celebrate God’s gift of love.
We give thanks for God’s
unconditional love.
Love given, never withheld.
Love that accepts, embraces,
Protects, forgives.
Love with neither beginning nor end.
Love seen in the darkest places.
Love that came in Christ.
The love of life, and cross, and resurrection.
Love that was and is costly.
We give thanks for love.
Love shared with family.
Love shared with friends.
For the bonds of love that
unite us.
Love unconditionally given
and received.
We remember the cost
and the pain love brings.
That heartache is the price we
pay for loving.
We remember those
whose love has been rejected,
for whom love has turned sour.
Relationships where the joy of love
has been destroyed by harsh reality.
For those who carry the pain of loving
and must bear the cost of loving.
We give thanks for all who share
love through their lives,
in their work of caring and serving,
supporting and loving.
God of love, encourage us in loving.
Show us how to love as you love.
May your love be seen in us
and the world become
the Kingdom of your love.
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