March 2025
Friday June 30 2023
Lord Jesus Christ,
When summer suns are glowing,
And our world is bathed in
Warmth and light and love,
We thank and bless You.
For loved ones and friends,
For welcoming homes,
And all that sustains
Body, mind and soul.
When summer suns are darkened,
By fear, or pain, or grief,
When loneliness empties our lives,
And the chill of sad days envelops us,
Remind us that far beyond the darksome clouds,
Your love still shines,
Your presence is real.
We pray today for those who have found time
To take the rest they needed,
To refresh their bodies and minds,
To relax and enjoy a different location,
Another view,
And time away.
We pray for those not able to leave their homes,
Where money is tight,
Or work demanding,
Or the needs of loved ones limits activities.
Be with them, in the snatched moments of peace,
That they may find Your strengthening
And enduring love
Sustaining them in time of weariness.
Lord Jesus Christ,
This summer time,
Come bless Your people,
That in the light and in the darkness,
Each one might know
Your voice, Your love, Your tenderness,
Your care.
In that knowledge, may we find rest in Your peace.
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