March 2025
Monday August 5 2024
Creator God,
as the summer swells
purple heathers smear moor and mountain
otters play in dappled pools while eagles sweep the heights
golden red sunsets and ochre early dawns abound
while raindrops glist the fields of ripening rapeseed.
Our hearts are full!
In other lands
the fields are bare
the sun blisters and burns
fades and fails the crops in the fields
scorching sunsets don’t bring the rains they need
while elsewhere floods drown harvests and homes.
Our hearts are full!
Are we to blame
have we become blind
to the suffering earth and its struggling peoples,
seeing only self and those things that moth and mould
will turn to dust leaving our traces to tell of earth’s destruction
doomed by the very children you have in love created for love.
Our hearts are full!
Fill also our hands
our eyes our ears our souls
with the passion and the power
to cherish the changing seasons
to wither our wasteful ways and wonder at the beauty
born of your constancy and care for all of creation.
Our hearts are full!
Alive again to the possibility
that love can win and life can flourish
that the otter and the eagle can roam free
that the blackbird will still sing out our dawns and dusks
that people of all colours and creeds can grow and find food
for their bodies and living water to nourish their souls.
Creating God
hear our prayer
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