Monday December 2 2024
From within the ancient longing
May we hear the more ancient cry:
In the long promise hurtling towards us
May we hear the longer echo:
From the old distance of the prophets
May we hear the yet older poem:
Ancient God,
May you gather together the Good News:
The shards of promise;
The slivers of story;
The scraps of song;
Scattered across our faith,
And culture,
And denominations,
And fit them together
Into this fresh moment
Of holy retelling,
Of sacred Kintsugi*,
Of golden joinery,
Bringing the pieces together
And finding incarnation
Where the edges touch:
Gabriel to Mary,
Hope to promise
Silence to song,
Waiting to wonder,
Angel to shepherds,
Manger to world.
The pieces of nativity
Falling into place,
Reformed and reimagined
For today.
Through the brokenness of the world
May we find your advent resin:
*Kintsugi is the ancient Japanese art of repairing broken bowls with gold.
The cracks are still there but more beautiful in being so.
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