Monday February 3
All praise to you Almighty God!
God above,
Creator of the Universe
Crafter of the Winter Triangle *
Majestic sustainer of the night skies
Grand illuminator of the Candlemas stars
God below
Frosty ground under our feet
yielding in fragile beauty
the first signs of spring.
The snowdrop bows her gentle head,
sweet angel flower.
God beside us
Cradling her child the bringer of light
Mother Mary presents her wonder to the world.
We praise that moment in song and verse
remembering what is to come.
God with us
The Candlemas bells* make no sound
their heads bowed in sorrow
for lost children
for parents’ pain
weeping amid bombs and smoke.
Still, we can say
All praise to you, heavenly friend!
God in creation
Blackbird and Robin still gather in our gardens
Geese still grace the skies crying out in praise of community
Hope in feathered form comes to
brighten our darkest thoughts and moments.
God within
You tell us;
Do not be afraid!
God is not dead
All is not lost
War will end
Tears will dry
Flowers will grow
The light will shine
The Candlemas child will come again
to gather the lost and lonely
to comfort the sorrowful
to cradle us all
in everlasting arms.
Amen, thanks be to God.
* The Winter Triangle: The stars Procyon, Sirius, and Betelgeuse are visible in the northern hemisphere
* Candlemas bells: another name for Snowdrops.
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