Friday April 13 2018
Firmly proving that age is no barrier, centenarian Mona Brown is (quite possibly) the oldest person regularly taking part in Messy Church in the parish of Acharachle on the Ardnamurchan peninsula, between Mull and Skye.
Messy Church has been part of worship there for six years, but a recent session included the celebration of the 100th birthday of Mona, who comes to the monthly event and enjoys chatting to the helpers and the children as well as participating in some of the activities.
When told that Mona had lived for 100 years, one of the children summed it up – “Wow!”
“Mona is part of the church family,” says the Rev Fiona Ogg, co-ordinator of the Messy Church sessions. “She enjoys the company, the meal and thrives on the general energy of the sessions.”
Mona isn’t the only ‘older person’ there. At a recent session exploring the story of Moses and the Burning Bush, the noisiest table was the one where the adults were working – and Mona was right in there too!
“It’s such a great way for all generations and those people without children of their own, to come along, to get together, to get to know each other and to enjoy each other’s company around a story of faith,” says Fiona.
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