March 2025
Saturday August 17 2013
The title of the event is 'Who Do You Say I Am?', from the words of Jesus in the Gospels, and the event which will feature a series of discussion groups and activities on themes of identity. Topics will include Scottish independence and the role of young people within the Church of Scotland today.
NYA Moderator Lynsey Martin said: “There will be more than 130 of us from all over Scotland at this year’s NYA and it is a vitally important gathering.
“We know young people have a pivotal role to play in the Church, our challenge is to find ways for the Church to accept us and allow our voices to be heard.
“I’ve just graduated from university and my peers were really interested when I told them that I was an elder and about what we did in church. We need to find ways to get that interest converted into people, then having greater involvement in church life which will in turn bolster our congregations and ensure the future role of the Church of Scotland as Scotland’s national church.”
Suzi Farrant, the Church's children and young people development worker, who has organised the event, said: “I hope this will be the best ever NYA and inspire those attending to encourage more of their friends to attend and contribute to the role of the Church in communities across the country.
“The highlights will include The Moderator of the General Assembly, the Right Rev Lorna Hood leading worship on Monday, and the chance to meet Michael Mair who at just 24 is about to become the youngster Minister in the Church of Scotland.”
Post Tags: cosy, youth assembly, young people
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