Wednesday August 22 2018
This year’s Church of Scotland SRT Project conference marking Good Money Week will focus on how you can link your faith and values to your money.
Good Money Week, which this year starts on September 29, is a campaign promoting sustainable and ethical options in banking, pensions, savings and investments.
The conference, organised by the SRT (Society Religion and Technology) Project in partnership with Christian Aid Scotland, ECCR, Triodos Bank, Scotwest Credit Union, Prosper Social Finance, EthicalFutures, Anderson MacPhie Financial Services and Oikocredit, will discuss the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and how ordinary people can use their money to help ensure a more just and sustainable world now and in the future.
It will be chaired by Wendy Young from Christian Aid Scotland. There will be a keynote address on intergenerational justice from Christopher Stockwell (ECCR), and workshop sessions looking at the Climate Change and Education SDGs followed by a Q&A panel discussion.
The morning event is free and followed by a complimentary buffet lunch. It takes place in the City of Edinburgh Methodist Church from 9.30am-1pm on Wednesday October 3. More details at eventbrite.
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