March 2025
Thursday August 23 2018
Please send items of parish news to or Life and Work, 121 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 4YN. Please check the quality of your pictures: images which are too small, blurry or too dark cannot be used. If there are children in any picture please confirm that their parents or guardians have given permission for publication.
A Borders parish church has decided to withdraw its funds from the Church of Scotland Growth Trust in protest, following the Church’s decision not to disinvest from fossil fuels.
The board and session at Selkirk Parish Church agreed the move after this year’s General Assembly voted to continue engaging with the fossil fuels industry.
In a letter sent to the Church of Scotland Investors Trust, the church stated: “As an eco-congregation, we do not believe it is ethically acceptable to invest in, and gain profit from, companies whose main aim is to continue to explore for, and to extract, fossil fuels…
“We disagree with the Church of Scotland’s policy to continue to 'engage' with these companies as being impractical and ineffective. Many large institutions, including cities, universities, some pension funds, the British Medical Association, the Church of Ireland and the United Reformed Church in Scotland have already agreed to fully divest from all fossil fuel exploration and extraction. We believe that the Church of Scotland should be leading the way for others, and should fully divest now from all companies involved in fossil fuel exploration and extraction; this would give a stronger signal to these companies than any engagement is ever likely to do.
“Within Selkirk Parish Church, we are committed to caring for God’s creation. We can no longer wait for the Church or Scotland to act in this matter, so we are taking our own small steps to make ourselves ‘fossil free’. Withdrawing our funds is one step in this journey that we are able to make now, and therefore we are doing so. We hope that other congregations may follow our example.
“The funds withdrawn may be either reinvested in an ethical fund or used to part-fund a children and families worker; we consider this to be a much better way to invest for growth in God’s Kingdom.”
After travelling up to fifteen miles for early morning worship on the island of South Uist, members of the congregation then embarked on a further fifteen miles on the road before embarking on the Sound of Barra ferry to cross over to Barra for a joint morning service followed by a leisurely lunch, conversation and exploration of the island.
And then at the end of the day there was the same long journey home! Friendships that had begun when the congregation of Barra undertook the same journey last year to South Uist were affirmed and new ones formed. For a number of years the two congregations have been a linked charge and there is a clear determination to let the waters of the Sound of Barra not be a barrier but a link between the two congregations and to develop closer relationships.
The Guild of Portpatrick Parish Church has again produced a calendar of local scenes, with all proceeds going to church funds. Calendars are available for £5 plus £1.20 postage from Fiona Maxwell on 01776 704045 or
Post Tags: parish news round-up
A Borders church has withdrawn its funds held with the Church of Scotland in protest at th...
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A Borders church has withdrawn its funds held with the Church of Scotland in protest at th...
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A Borders church has withdrawn its funds held with the Church of Scotland in protest at th...
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