Wednesday September 26 2018
Leading Scottish theologian the Rev Dr Doug Gay is to deliver this year’s Denis Duncan lecture in Aberdeen in November.
The lecture is held annually by the Guild of Health and St Raphael, in memory of the Rev Dr Denis Duncan, a leading figure in the healing ministry. The lectures explore aspects of healing, health and wellbeing for Christians and churches.
This year Dr Gay, principal of Trinity College in Glasgow, will speak on ‘Discipleship as Relearning Self and World – a healing vision of human life’.
The lecture will take as its starting point Hans Küng’s affirmation that ‘the kingdom is creation healed’, and explore ways to integrate the theological concepts of salvation, discipleship and sanctification with the language of healing, therapy and growth which has wider cultural currency in western societies today. It will consider how current widespread interest in discipleship across church traditions can be developed and revised, so as to save the concept from seeming out of reach of ‘mere Christianity’ and use it instead to promote an integrated ‘everyday’ vision of healthy human development.
The lecture will be followed by a panel discussion with Prof Jim McManus, Public Health director and LSE lecturer, and the Rev David Hutchinson, Chaplain to the University of Aberdeen.
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