Thursday January 16 2020
Send items of parish news to or Life and Work, 121 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 4YN. All submissions will also be considered for the magazine, but we are unable to print everything we receive.
Please check the quality of your pictures: images which are too small, blurry or too dark cannot be used. If there are children in any picture please confirm that their parents or guardians have given permission for publication.
Bellshill West Parish Church welcomed over 50 people to a brunch following the Christmas Day service.
The brunch was open to anyone wishing to have a bit of Christmas food and company. It was the first time the church had tried such a venture and they were delighted to welcome people from the local community, including some Syrian families who have recently moved to the town. The church provided transport for a number of people who couldn’t make it otherwise. Members of Bellshill Community Council also came along to help.
On December 21 Dorothy Dalgliesh, who was President of the then Church of Scotland Woman’s Guild from 1990-93, celebrated her 90th birthday. A celebration was held at St Andrew’s Parish Church, Annan. The photo shows Dorothy with Sandra Cramb and Lesley Langlands.
Five elders at Leith St Andrew’s Church in Edinburgh have been presented with long service certificates. Pictured (from left): Cath Cowe (30 years’service), Walter McGillivray (50) and Jean Aldred (33) with minister, the Rev Rob Mackenzie. Not in picture: Ceala Anderson (33) and Helen Gray (33)
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