Tuesday April 21 2020
A ‘vibrant, virtual’ Christian Aid Week is being planned to replace the activities cancelled due to the Coronavirus Covid-19 epidemic.
The week is Christian Aid’s largest annual fundraising event: last year 57,000 people took part, raising £8 million. However most of the activities for this year including house-to-house collections and events such as Big Brekkie, have been made impossible by the lockdown.
In response, the charity has issued ideas for online fundraising during this year’s Christian Aid Week, which will run from May 10-16. They include instructions and questions for people wishing to host a virtual quiz, along with other ideas such as cook-along sessions, craftmaking activities, an art competition or getting sponsored for a personal challenge.
They have also produced an order of service and sermon notes for anyone wishing to hold a virtual Christian Aid Week service, and during the week there will be daily live-streamed worship.
In addition to Christian Aid’s regular work, the money will go to fund its Coronavirus response around the world. People living in poverty, in refugee camps or in countries with less well-developed health services are at particular risk, and Christian Aid and its partners are using the experience gained from limiting infection during the Ebola crisis.
Information on Christian Aid Week is here and a virtual fundraising guide can be downloaded here.
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