Thursday June 11 2020
Send items of parish news to or Life and Work, 121 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 4YN. All submissions will also be considered for the magazine, but we are unable to print everything we receive.
Please check the quality of your pictures: images which are too small, blurry or too dark cannot be used. If there are children in any picture please confirm that their parents or guardians have given permission for publication.
In May each year children from Dumbarton: Riverside Parish Church Sunday School usually have a sponsored walk for Christian Aid. It could not happen this year because of the Covid-19 crisis, but Andrew Makeham, decided to take matters into his own hands (or feet!).
Using his one-hour slot for exercise, he set himself a target of walking two miles every day during Christian Aid Week, with the hope of raising £100. He opened (with his parents’ support) an online giving page, and each day uploaded a report of how he was doing, where his walk had taken him, and a photo.
In the end he walked over 20 miles during the course of the week, in sun and rain, along the shore and up the hills. Advertised on the Church’s Facebook account (among other places) he raised £900 including Gift Aid.
Andrew’s giving page is
The organist and webmaster at Bellshill Central Parish Church has combined his duties every week to entertain hundreds of viewers through live broadcasts.
Hundreds of viewers have joined Alan Mathew in weekly online broadcasts during his regular safety check on the organ.
Members of the congregation and friends from as far away as the Channel Islands have taken part by choosing favourite music for the weekly broadcasts. In recent weeks Alan has also given insights into the workings of the organ, which dates from 1930.
Alan explained: "As I need to check the organ each week to comply with insurance, and as part of that letting the blower run and check each rank of pipes is working, I thought instead of just playing random pieces of music I could take requests. Little did I know this would evolve into a 40 minute episode once edited together.
“It’s great to let people feel like they are in their regular pew, hearing the mighty, majestic and inspiring sounds from the organ. It’s been really enjoyable to sit in the organ pit and give an insight as to what my hands and feet get up to.
“Once things return to normal I will certainly continue the videos perhaps on a monthly basis, but until then they will be premiered each Sunday and Wednesday at 8pm via the church’s YouTube channel and added to our websites pages.
“This is a part of our music ministry that will certainly continue post Covid-19.”
Sheena Bowman - Thursday, June 11th, 2020
“Alan will soon be as famous as Reginald Dickson on the organ at Blackpool Tower. Certainly worth tuning into on a weekly basis. ”
Anne Guy - Thursday, June 11th, 2020
“We all look forward to hearing our favourite hymns and songs. Great organ music - we are never disappointed. ”
Anne Guy - Thursday, June 11th, 2020
“Thank you. ”
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