Tuesday June 30 2020
Scotland’s Churches Trust (SCT) has appealed for volunteers to enable it to continue its Church Recording Project.
The project, which was launched in 2019, uses volunteers to make records of the fixed and movable assets within places of worship. Part-funded by Historic Environment Scotland and Allchurches Trust, the SCT is hoping it will cover as many places of worship as possible, but especially those at risk of closure.
In a letter to supporters this week, SCT director Stuart Beattie writes that the project was now restarting following the coronavirus lockdown. It has until now focused on Edinburgh, but they are hoping to create small groups to develop it in other parts of the country.
Stuart writes: “We have interest in Dumfries and Shetland, but for this project to be valuable we need to grow all over Scotland. We can offer training and templates, and whilst we can only cover expenses we can offer a feel-good factor that you might find hard to match.
“Recording is usually done in teams of six, but four or even two can certainly manage – just maybe takes longer and is less socially attractive. You may be interested in recording your own church or churches within a local area or you may just want to be a part of ensuring history and culture are recorded for generations to come.”
If you are interested, contact Stuart on stuart@scotlandschurchestrust.org.uk
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