March 2025
Thursday January 14 2021
Send items of parish news to or Life and Work, 121 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 4YN. All submissions will also be considered for the magazine, but we are unable to print everything we receive.
Please check the quality of your pictures: images which are too small, blurry or too dark cannot be used. If there are children in any picture please confirm that their parents or guardians have given permission for publication.
A new CD by The Choir of Paisley Abbey was released in November. ‘A Celtic Prayer’ was recorded in the Abbey on January 17 and 18 2020, and includes music from the Renaissance and the present day. Renfrewshire Council agreed to have the Paisley Town Hall clock chimes silenced during the recording!
The recording is available as a CD or as a download from sites including Amazon and Apple Music, and can be streamed on Spotify.
At the morning service on Sunday December 13, a presentation was made to David Wilson BEM for his 50 years of service as an Elder in the Church of Scotland. Mr Wilson was Ordained as an Elder at Logie Kirk, Fife, and subsequently became an Elder at Leuchars: St Arthernase Parish Church. The Minister at St Athernase, the Rev John C Duncan MBE, has the unique privilege of the Manse being situated in David Wilson Park which was named after Mr Wilson after he became the World Champion Farrier at Calgary, Canada. Mr Wilson has given of his time and talents as a blacksmith and farrier to maintaining the property of the church.
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