Monday January 25 2021
The Church of Scotland’s Faith Impact Forum has released an online service to mark Souper Sunday, the annual event supporting the Church’s HIV Programme.
Souper Sunday has become an established part of the calendar for many churches over the past 12 years. The service, followed by a soup lunch, raises awareness of HIV/AIDS and funds for the HIV Programme. Although it can take place any time, most churches mark it in January.
The online service is led by the Rev Robin Hill, minister of Gladsmuir linked with Longniddry, a past Convener of the Church of Scotland HIV Programme, and features contributions from Carol Finlay of the Faith Impact Forum, and the Heart and Soul Swing Band. It can be used in whole or in part by congregations and small groups, and church’s are also invited to hold a virtual soup lunch and donate the proceeds to the Programme.
The Church of Scotland HIV Programme supports projects working with people living with HIV, and campaigning to end the stigma around HIV and AIDS, in Scotland and around the world.
The Very Rev Dr Susan Brown, Convener of the Faith Impact Forum, said “The Church of Scotland HIV Programme offers support in so many ways to some of the most vulnerable people in our world, who live not only with the physical challenges that an HIV diagnosis brings, but with undeserved stigma and judgement that it too often carries. Jesus so often placed himself in the company of those rejected and saw in those he ate and walked and sat down with, the need for presence and love. Souper Sunday declares our willingness to learn and to reach out with the kind of love Jesus showed. In his name. And to his glory.”
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