Monday June 28 2021
Church of Scotland congregations are being asked to suggest songs which they would like to see considered for a new supplement to the Church’s hymnal.
The Church’s Faith Nurture Forum is currently compiling the supplement to the Church Hymnary Fourth Edition (right), commonly known as CH4, with a planned publication date of 2023.
Phill Mellstrom, Worship Development Worker with Faith Nurture, said: “The demand for a new resource recognises that it is now over 15 years since CH4 was published and that most of the songs in it were written in the 20th century. If we are to enable congregations to renew their worship and new worshipping communities to develop, then we need to resource them with contemporary songs which can complement the rich musical resources the church already has to offer.”
Iain McLarty, Worship Development Worker with the Church’s Priority Areas team, said: “We would like to hear from congregations about their experience of contemporary congregational song: the songs they have found meaningful to sing in worship and the gaps in their repertoire. We are also looking for songwriters, composers and lyricists to submit songs they have written, so that we can consider these for inclusion.”
The project was instructed by the General Assembly of 2019 and approved by Faith Nurture last spring. Hymns Ancient and Modern, publishers of CH4, have agreed to also publish the new supplement.
The congregational survey can be found at The deadline is August 27. For more information on the call for songs, visit
Post Tags: music, ch4, hymnary
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