March 2025
Thursday September 2 2021
Send items of parish news to All submissions will also be considered for the magazine, but we are unable to print everything we receive.
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***Please note: people shown in photos must be complying with the guidance on distancing and the wearing of face masks in churches, that was in effect at the time the picture was taken***
Sunny weather blessed the cycle run in August by a group from Kinross Parish Church who set off to ‘Bike the Bounds’ of their parish.
The event, organised by the kirk’s Eco-congregation team, was part of a focus on the Stewardship of Creation during August and September. The trip was a chance to have a face-to-face social event after so many months but was also designed to encourage people to use their bikes for exercise and everyday transport, to introduce folk to a quiet route through the countryside round Kinross and to make the congregation more aware of the many people who live in the landward parts of the parish of Kinross, outwith the town.
Organiser Gordon McFarlane said: "It was very moving to experience companionship - with the inevitable stop for coffee and cake! - on such a beautiful day in our local bonnie countryside, with the grain harvest in progress all over the parish. It felt so apt during our season of thinking about the stewardship of God's creation and in the lead up to our Harvest Thanksgiving Service."
Post Tags: parish news round-up
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