Tuesday September 14 2021
The world’s first fairtrade chocolate orange Christingle has been launched this week.
The Christingle is part of the Meaningful Chocolate Company’s Christmas range, including the familiar Real Advent Calendar.
It includes a fairtrade chocolate orange boxed in the style of a Christingle, with an explanation of the symbols and their meaning. The box also doubles as a charity collection box, with a slot for coins so you can encourage donations to a charity.
This year’s Real Advent Calendar comes with a 24-page Christmas story activity book illustrated by award winning artist Martina Peluso. There is also a £300 children’s prize competition. It comes singly or by the case, and you can also donate one to a food bank through the website.
The Christmas range also includes a Joy to the World sharing box, with 30 chocolate angels suitable for Messy Church, Christingle services, crib services and other Christmas occasions; and a Host of Angels set of six chocolate tree decorations.
For more information and to order, visit https://meaningfulchocolate.co.uk/collections/christmas
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