March 2025
Thursday September 30
A series of webinars hosted by Church of Scotland Priority Areas next month will explore issues of poverty and the climate crisis.
The webinars, being held on each Wednesday in October, will mark both Challenge Poverty Week next week and the COP26 climate conference which begins in Glasgow on October 31. They will explore the connections between poverty and climate, and look at ways in which church congregations can get involved in tackling them.
The first webinar, on Wednesday October 6 at 2pm, will look at the links between poverty and the climate crisis at local, national and international level, with speakers from Eco-Congregation Scotland, Christian Aid Scotland the Scottish Trades Union Congress.
Future webinars will focus on including care for creation and climate justice in worship; at issues around food, with a focus on community food projects; and on making buildings sustainable. All the sessions will be facilitated by the Priority Areas staff team and involve lots of opportunity for discussion and questions.
Each session is free. Visit Eventbrite to register.
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