Monday October 4 2021
The Royal School of Church Music (RSCM) in Scotland is hosting two events next month helping congregations with little musical expertise to incorporate music into their worship.
The Lift Up Your Voice workshops are led by Miles Quick, former RSCM Head of Congregational and Instrumental Music.
The events are aimed at encouraging congregations in their music where there is no established choir or experienced organist. It will focus on building confidence in areas such as unison singing, simple harmony, and call-and-response techniques using a cantor. Suitable resources will be suggested and demonstrated, including plainsong, folk tunes, songs of the world church, hymns, psalms and worship songs. The workshop will aim to send participants away with new ideas and confidence to refresh and expand the sung worship in their local situation.
The workshops take place at King’s Park Parish Church in Glasgow on Tuesday October 19 and New Laigh Kirk in Kilmarnock on Wednesday October 20. Both start at 7.30pm and tickets are £8 for RSCM members, £10 for non-members.
Also this autumn, the annual RSCM Dunblane Singing Day will take place in Dunblane Cathedral on Saturday November 6. Join RSCM Director Hugh Morris and a massed choir to work on a selection of pieces from the RSCM festival service book, God's Church for God's World, culminating in a service at the Cathedral.
You can register for either event here.
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