March 2025
Thursday October 7 2021
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Guild General Secretary Iain Whyte, Associate Secretary Karen Gillon and National Convener Margaret Muir were the guests at the inaugural meeting of the Largs United Guild.
This brings together the Guilds of Clark Memorial, St Columba’s and St John’s churches, which between them have contributed 272 years of service to the Church and the community.
The first meeting opened with a short Communion service led by the Rev David Watson, minister of Clark Memorial. Mr Whyte spoke on the appropriate theme ‘Looking Forward in Faith’, which is also the Guild’s theme for the next three years. Mrs Gillon gave an overview of the six new partner projects. Mrs Muir presented the new Guild with a tealight holder and tealight, representing this year’s theme of Lights and Bushels.
Also attending the meeting were Mary Ford and Helen Kerr from Guilds Together North Ayrshire.
The meeting concluded with tea and the cutting of a special celebration cake.
The Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland has rededicated the Abbey Church of Dunfermline on the 200th anniversary of the building and praised the congregation's "outward looking service".
Speaking at the special service, which took place on Thursday September 30, and marks the end of the congregation's four-year programme of bicentenary celebrations, Lord Wallace paid tribute to the faithful work of the Dunfermline congregation through many generations.
Read more on the Church of Scotland website.
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