March 2025
Wednesday March 2 2022
The Church of Scotland is taking donations to support partner churches’ work for refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine.
Donations will be forwarded to Reformed Church in Hungary Aid, which is working with the Reformed Church in Ukraine and in border areas of neighbouring countries.
The Convener of the Faith Impact Forum of the Church of Scotland, the Very Rev Dr Susan Brown, wrote in a letter to Presbytery Clerks issued last night that this suggestion followed discussions with the churches in Hungary and Ukraine itself. She wrote: “Today as I write to you it is with a heavy heart, hearing the news and speaking directly to partners in Ukraine about the dreadful situation there. It would be easy to feel powerless but there are several things we can do to help.
“We have been in touch with partners in the region, and with the World Communion of Reformed Churches, and others to ascertain the best way to offer help. The Rev Balázs Ódor, Ecumenical Officer for the Reformed Church in Hungary, has been in direct contact with us and we have been able to contact the Bishop’s Office in the Reformed Church in Carpathian Ukraine, and some congregations in Ukraine. It is good to take just a little time to do this so that the right kind of help is given in a way in which it can be used on the ground where it is needed most.
“From these contacts, we suggest that you might share through Presbytery networks and with congregations the opportunity to give, via the Church of Scotland, to Reformed Church in Hungary Aid (RCHA), which is run by our partner, the Reformed Church of Hungary. The RCHA has access to the Reformed church in Ukraine who are using their buildings to support the people moving from east to west as they seek safety and sanctuary. They also are working in the border areas of Hungary, Slovakia and Romania using the Reformed Church contacts and buildings there.
“Though RCHA you can support those fleeing from the east and coming to the west of Ukraine where they can be helped through the churches there; those in the west already who don’t have access to their money when the banks run out and who will need food/help; and those who cross the borders into Hungary, Slovakia or Romania.”
Donations, with the reference ‘RCHA donation’ can be made into the following account:
Royal Bank of Scotland
Church of Scotland No 1 Account
Account no: 00134859
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