March 2025
Thursday June 30 2022
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Wellpark Mid Kirk, Greenock has received a bespoke insignia to be worn at civic events hosted there. The Rev Alan Sorensen, who retired last week after 22 years, commissioned the solid silver badge of office and presented it to the congregation as a farewell gift at his final Kirkin’ of the Council on Sunday June 19.
Mr Sorensen said: “We have a fairly unique relationship between Wellpark Mid Kirk and Inverclyde Council. The church is across the square from the Council buildings and since 1761 we have been privileged to host many civic events, not just the annual Kirkin’. The minister has traditionally been the chaplain to the Council and he is often asked to represent the church at many functions.
“It occurred to me that when the Provost is wearing Inverclyde’s chain of office it would be a nice touch if the church had something similar – so I commissioned the insignia for anyone representing the church at some such event to wear. The Session Clerk was sporting it for the first time on Sunday as she led in the procession of councillors and officials. It's always good to add a little bit of colour to such occasions. I believe the annual Kirkin’ used to be a very formal occasion, but now it’s an ecumenical celebration of the life of the whole community in the council area and I think it adds to the sense of occasion.”
The badge of office has been designed by Jen Cunningham, a young jewellery designer and silversmith, who specialises in bespoke landscape and townscape jewellery such as wedding rings. The badge shows a modern representation of the church’s distinctive profile.
Mr Sorensen is pictured with session clerk Grace Kennedy wearing the new badge of office.
Portpatrick Guild have produced a calendar of local scenes for 2023. Anyone wishing to purchase one, at £6 plus £2 postage, can contact Fiona Maxwell on or 01776704045
The Rev Val Ott presented Gordon Hunter with a long service certificate for 50 years continuous service as an elder in Gatehouse Parish Church, Dumfries and Galloway, recently. Gordon is the longest serving elder in the church. Alexander McCulloch, treasurer, and Andy McKean, session clerk, were each awarded certificates for 30 years’ service.
Two elders from Laurencekirk Parish Church in Aberdeenshire have been recognised for long service. Janey Bleasely (left) recently retired after serving as an elder for 40 years. Vera McBain (right) is still on the Kirk Session after 31 years and has been session clerk to six ministers. They are pictured with the current session Clerk, Alison Duncan.
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