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Tearfund Nepal Harvest Appeal

Tuesday September 27 2022

Jaman Singh and his family

Christian development charity Tearfund has launched its harvest appeal, with a focus on families displaced by the climate crisis in Nepal.

After insufficient rain caused crops to fail, many people in the Himalayan country have had to move away from the land they have lived on for generations, and into the cities in search of jobs and food.

Tearfund’s harvest appeal will help such families adapt to the new conditions.

Jaman, a farmer from mid-western Nepal, said: “It doesn’t rain when it should. Sometimes there is drought. Because of this everyone is suffering.”

Working through local partners, Tearfund has helped support families like Jaman’s. This includes training on protecting crops from the increasing number of insects which means farmers are able to grow enough food to feed their families and sell the remainder in markets.

Jaman said: “There is a vast difference. I learned new skills. What vegetables to plant in the winter and the rainy season. How many days to sprout the seeds and how long they should be covered.”

This harvest season, when Christians traditionally share food parcels with the wider community in need, Tearfund is launching an appeal for funds for its work across the world where communities have been impacted by climate change.

Ruth Tormey, Head of Church and Supporter Engagement at Tearfund, said: “Communities are being pushed into extreme poverty because of climate change. However, with funds from Tearfund supporters, we can help more families adapt and grow despite their circumstances, as we have seen in Jaman’s case. They can have hope that they will be able to adapt to the changing climate and provide enough food for themselves.”

To learn more about Tearfund’s appeal for funds for its work in countries like Nepal, visit

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