March 2025
Thursday October 27 2022
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Largs United Guild donated two trees to Largs Station Community Garden, which were planted on Saturday October 8.
The report of the planting reads: “These trees are our contribution to the Queen’s Green Canopy Platinum Jubilee celebration and was a most poignant action in the recent weeks following Her Majesty’s death.
“The Guild’s theme this year, ‘Wee seeds, Big Trees’ took on an unexpected slant as we witnessed the hard work of several men whose lives had gone astray in some way and at the moment they were giving back to the community. They were under the watchful eye of Jack whose genuine care and concern for those present and others whom he has known in the past was really strong and heartfelt. He shared with us a general account of the lives experienced by many of these folks in their young days and how they work on so many other community projects, gardening, fencing and decking, painting and furniture uplifts to benefit others build a home. Gaining skills they didn’t have previously and hopefully will stand them in good stead for the future. We enjoyed chatting with these young men ourselves, even though one confessed to not being ‘religious’ he was happy to listen and hear why and for whom these plants were being put into the ground. His photographic skills were appreciated too.
“We were able to share with them about the Guild’s involvement in Malawi, helping to purchase many trees to establish roots in the soil to help with climate change.
“We were truly humbled in a way which we did not expect, feeling the pain of others who often are in the wrong place at the wrong time. It is our prayer that through the course of that hour or so ‘wee seeds’ have been sown in their minds and God continues to water and bless them as we most certainly felt blessed.
“This project took us into a much deeper place than ever we expected, not just into deep holes in the ground but a wider experience of what it means to be Guild and the lives we can touch. We know that God’s hand led and guided this path and opened our eyes beyond anything we had even considered.
“If you find yourself in Largs Railway Station, please take the pathway leading to Morrison’s car park, look out for the weeping cherry tree (which should blossom in the spring) and the pink berried rowan which are only a part of a beautifully arranged garden run by local volunteers. The Guild was a part of this and please remember in your prayers those young men.”
On Sunday October 9 Avendale Church in Strathaven, South Lanarkshire, celebrated 250 years of its Kirk Street building. The anniversary was marked with a special celebratory service with photographic and video displays and a lunch afterwards. Picture: Les Hogan, Strathaven Echoes.
Long service in various roles was recognised at a dedication service on October 23 in Ardrossan Park, North Ayrshire.
Jean Bruce and Janet Findlay both received long service certificates after serving 30 years as elders, as did the Rev Marion Howie, who was ordained in Ardrossan Park 30 years ago and has returned to act as Locum during the vacancy. Linda Morrison was presented with her 30 year brooch for service to the Girls’ Brigade. They are pictured with interim moderator, the Rev Alan Ward.
A Crafts for Christmas sale will be held at St Andrew’s and St George’s West church, Edinburgh from November 22-25.
The sale of handmade gifts, cards, decorations and tableware is presented by Creative Together, part of Edinburgh City Centre Churches Together, with proceeds going to Maggie’s cancer charity. It is open from 10.30am-2pm each day.
November's Life and Work is out now.
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