March 2025
Thursday November 24 2022
Send items of parish news to All submissions will also be considered for the magazine, but we are unable to print everything we receive.
Please check the quality of your pictures: images which are too small, blurry or dark cannot be used. If there are children in any picture please confirm that their parents or guardians have given permission for publication.
There are a few tickets available for the Church of Scotland Guild's Christmas Big Sing at Dalziel St Andrew's Church, Motherwell, on Friday December 2, starting at 3pm. Email for details.
The annual Blessing of the Crib in George Square, Glasgow, takes place on Wednesday November 30 at 6.30pm. The Rt Hon, the Lord Provost Councillor Jacqueline McLaren will be joined by civic and church leaders. Archbishop Bill Nolan will lead the Blessing. From 6.15pm there will be music from Alba Brass and Miltonbank Primary School Choir.
December's Life and Work is out now
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