March 2025
Thursday December 15 2022
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Freuchie Parish Church in Fife, like many across Scotland, holds an annual gift service each Christmas. Gifts were brought in by members of the congregation and local community and will be donated to a local charity to help ensure that more children have a gift to open on Christmas Day. Pictured: session clerk Margaret Cuthbert, the Rev Ian Hamilton and members of the congregation (Maureen, Babs, Ailsa and Rhona) with some of the many presents that were collected.
A Christmas tree festival was held at Liddesdale Parish Church in the Borders at the weekend. The festival was a community event, with trees from local businesses, schools and organisation from the local community, and included a carol service on Friday December 9.
Mannofield Church, Aberdeen, welcomed six new Elders to the Kirk Session during the service on Sunday December 4. Maureen Drummond, Fiona Muirhead-Kerr, Norman McLeod, Alison Rogers were ordained, while Alison Duncan and Janice Gill were admitted to the Session, having been previously ordained elsewhere. They are pictured with the Minister, the Rev Keith Blackwood.
Five new elders were ordained and one admitted at St Mark’s Parish Church, St Andrews on December 11. From left: back: Stewart Kerr (admitted), Jen Dewhurst, Michael Dewhurst, the Rev Allan McCafferty; front: Patricia Hampton, Dorothea Morrison, Lorna Hutcheon.
Long Service certificates were presented to eight elders of Dalry: St Margaret's Parish Church on December 11. They are: David Nisbet (50 years), Daniel Reid (40 years), Jean Rodger (40 years), Gilda Smith (40 years), Donald Priestley (30 years), Isabella Walker (30 years), Ian Brown (30 years), Penny Brown (30 years).
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