Tuesday February 21 2023
The Moderator of the General Assembly, the Rt Rev Dr Iain Greenshields, has announced that he will be taking part in the Kilt Walk in Glasgow on April 30 to raise funds for Christian Aid.
Dr Greenshields said he was inspired to take up the challenge after seeing the work of Christian Aid during the recent Ecumenical Pilgrimage of Peace to South Sudan.
South Sudan is the world’s newest country, having gained independence from Sudan in 2011. However, internal conflict and natural disasters have left over seven million people, more than half the population, facing extreme hunger, and there are large numbers of internally displaced people.
Dr Greenshields visited the country for three days on a joint visit with the Pope and the Archbishop of Canterbury, aimed at encouraging peace and reconciliation efforts (see video below). He said: “I saw first hand the incredible difference that Christian Aid was making in that deeply broken country – the people (almost all of them local) were inspirational.
“Christian Aid's South Sudan country programme recognises that ultimately the only solution to the humanitarian crisis is for there to be peace. The programme seeks to ensure essential, immediate needs are met and aims to empower local communities to address the root causes of conflict and develop a just and secure environment.
“Any contribution you feel able to make will help to change lives, so I encourage you to be as generous as you can.”
You can donate at https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/iain-greenshields2
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