Tuesday February 28 2023
Plans for the eighth Thy Kingdom Come prayer initiative were unveiled at an online launch event yesterday (Monday).
The annual movement for evangelisation, initiated by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York in 2016, unites more than a million Christians worldwide during the period from Ascension to Pentecost (this year, May 18-28). In recent years, the Church of Scotland has encouraged members and congregations to take part.
This year’s sub theme, ‘Living the Kingdom’, invites articipants to go one step further – to go the extra mile - and to practically ‘love and serve thy neighbour’ or those being prayed for, as an intentional part of their involvement. This will also be reflected in the additional ways churches, families and individuals are invited to pray this year.
As in previous years of the movement, characterised by large gatherings and events, there is also a renewed call to encourage churches to gather (in-person) and collaborate ecumenically, where possible.
Another new development is that the daily themes for resources across the 11 days of prayer have been updated - focusing on the character of God –‘Our Father in Heaven’ - the One to whom we are petitioning and inviting people to know, to love and to serve. Themes will include the ‘God who walks with us’ and the ‘God who creates’.
For adults, the main resources this year are the Novena and the Prayer Journal, which will include contributions from different voices across different traditions and denominations.
For children and families, there will be a brand-new series of Cheeky Pandas animations with accompanying activity packs and assembly plan, which can be used at church, at home, or school.
For youths, there will be a brand-new video series produced by Christian youth ministry The Way UK.
Find out more about this year’s plans, download resources and pledge to take part at www.thykingdomcome.global
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