Thursday June 1 2023
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St Kentigern’s Church, Kilmarnock has completed a refurbishment of its sanctuary, including the replacement of pews with chairs, sanding and varnishing of the floor and a new sound and streaming system.
Portobello and Joppa Parish Church celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Rev Dr Stewart Weaver’s ordination earlier this year.
Stewart was ordained to St Philip’s Joppa Parish Church on April 29 2003, and has shepherded the church through many changes, including the union of three Portobello churches into one. An article in the church magazine states that he ‘has led our church with patient, steadfast leadership’.
The congregation surprised Stewart with a presentation in honour of his anniversary at worship on April 23.
On Sunday May 21 Cupar Old Church celebrated over 250 years of service by six members of the congregation. Certificates were presented to five elders, and church organist Douglas Clerk who has served for over 50 years (no-one, including Douglas himself, can remember exactly when he was appointed!).
Pictured: back row: the Rev Jeff Martin, James Hanson (40 years as elder), Douglas Clerk. Front Row: Iain Anderson (50 years), Jean Martin (Session Clerk), Hilary Webb (30 years), Sheila Lee (30 years), David Cleland (50 years).
On Sunday May 14, the congregation of Lochend and New Abbey church celebrated the 99th birthday of their organist, Glan Jones. He was presented with a hand made unique card along with a long service certificate, and cut a special cake made for the occasion. Glan started to play the organ when he was aged 14 and has served as an organist in various churches for over 60 years. Photograph by Gordon Kinghorn.
Twelve elders at Carnoustie Panbride Church were presented with Long Service certificates signed by the Moderator of the General Assembly, the Rt Rev Sally Foster Fulton, on Pentecost Sunday. Pictured with the Rev Annette Gordon (interim moderator) are: Willie Porter (50 years service), Archie Leiper (43), John Porter (43), Stan Beattie (34), David Crawford (34), Alex Forrester (34), Linda Nicoll (34), Joyce Brown (32), Pat Taylor (32), Dorothy Booth (31), Phyllis Guild (30) and Walter Ruark (30).
In addition, certificates were given to Alison Stuart (Sunday School leader for 25 years) and Marjorie Rennie (organist for more than 30 years).
Life and Work is the magazine of the Church of Scotland. Subscribe here.
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