Thursday June 20 2024
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The choir of Kinross Parish Church of Scotland recently won the Church Choir class at ‘Perform in Perth’ at the first time of competing. The choir, conducted by Isobel Watt with Margaret Sikora accompanying, won the Crawford Chalice, which dates back to 1911.
Isobel Watt said: “I’d encourage other church choirs to think about entering their local competitive music festival. Some of them, such as Perform in Perth, have a specific Church Choir class. It was a bit nerve wracking but great fun, and gave an impetus to our support for worship Sunday by Sunday”.
The opening of Forfar: All Souls' new mission hub in the town’s West High Street was celebrated recently.
Described as the town's ‘new community space’ the hub, named The Anchorage, will provide additional space for the long-established pop-up school uniform ‘shop’, relocated from St Margaret's Church, and other activities involving the three congregations.
Cutting the ribbon are (from left) the Rev Dr Karen Fenwick, the Rev Maggie Hunt and the Rev Heather Gourlay, ministers of the newly-formed church grouping.
At the June meeting of the Presbytery of Perth, the Rev Alan Reid, minister at Kinross Parish Church, was elected Moderator of the Presbytery of Perth, taking over from the Rev Donna Hays, minister at Sidlaw Parish Church. Donna was the first Moderator of the new Presbytery, which formed at the start of 2023 from five previous presbyteries, and she served for 18 months to ease the transition. Picture by Irene McFarlane.
Elders Christine McLay and Frances Ann Anderson have received long service certificates for 30 and 40 years respectively at Larbert West Church. They are pictured with assistant minister, the Rev Mhairi Gilchrist.
Life and Work is the magazine of the Church of Scotland. Subscribe here.
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