Some of the leaders taking part in the international BB event on Tobago
Tuesday August 6 2024
Hosted by Global Fellowship (the international network of the Boys’ Brigade) members from across Europe and the Caribbean enjoyed a full week of activities, discussions and fellowship together. They also had an opportunity for some sightseeing and visits to the local beaches on the Caribbean island.
Alan Graham, one of the Scottish BB leaders in attendance, said: “Being able to go to Tobago was an incredible experience, and I enjoyed being able to interact with the wider international Boys' Brigade family. I learned so many new aspects of being a young leader within my own group, and eagerly anticipate attending another Global Fellowship event in the future.”
Global Fellowship General Manager Bill Stevenson said: “This is the first time in many years that Global Fellowship has hosted such an event and already we are thinking about when and where the next Thrive will be.”
The BB now has over a million young people in membership over 70 countries.
More information on Global Fellowship is available here
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