March 2025
Thursday September 5 2024
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Largo Arts Week is an annual community arts festival in Lower Largo, Fife. During this year’s event, Largo Parish Church, organised a café, raising £1000 for CrossReach. Pictured: Janis Cunningham presents the cheque to Craig Wills, CrossReach Head of Fundraising and Engagement, watched by Largo’s locum minister, the Very Rev Dr Russell Barr.
Seven new Elders were ordained at St Andrew’s Scots Kirk, Colombo, Sri Lanka, on August 18. Pictured from left: Gihan de Zoysa, the Rev Paraic Raemonn, Buddhika Chandrasoma, Kavan Wirasinha and Ashan de Alwis .Back row: front row: the Rev Roshan Mendis, Selvinee Aruna Kumar, Shanthini Ahangama, Karen Amerasinghe.
On Sunday August 25, 13 elders were awarded certificates of Long Service at Motherwell South Parish Church.
The presentation took place during the worship service with each Elder receiving a certificate signed by the Moderator of the General Assembly, the Rev Dr Shaw Paterson.
In total, the 13 Elders have amassed 495 years of service.
Two new elders have been ordained at Tarff and Twynholm Church, Dumfries and Galloway. Margaret Swales and Mike Duguid are pictured with minister the Rev Val Ott and reader Gwen Corson.
Life and Work is the magazine of the Church of Scotland. Subscribe here.
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