Thursday December 5 2024
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With support from a Church of Scotland Faithshare grant, Bill Stevenson, Session Clerk at Traprain in East Lothian and member of Lothian and Borders Presbytery’s Mission Committee, recently visited partner churches in West Bengal, North India. Since 2000 many churches in the Lothians have been twinned with pastorates in the Diocese of the Eastern Himalayas, which is part of the Presbyterian Church of North India. Next year will mark the 25th anniversary of this arrangement and there have been many other visits/exchanges with this part of the global church.
Seven elders of St Michael’s Church, Edinburgh, received long service certificates on December 1. The presentations were made by the church’s former minister, the Rev Margaret Forrester, who had ordained them four decades earlier.
Pictured from left, back row: Alasdair Webster (40 years’ service), Sheila Bremner (40), the Rev Andrea Price (the church’s current minister), Judith Merten (38), Moira Gray (40). Front row: Douglas Bannatyne (Session Clerk), the Rev Margaret Forrester, Babs Webster (37), Bill Bremner (40), Jim Gray (40).
In Amsterdam, on Wednesday November 27, the Rev Marius Louw was installed as the new minister of the English Reformed Church (ERC) in Amsterdam, part of the International Presbytery. The service was led by the former Moderator of the International Presbytery, the Rev Irene Bom. ERC had been vacant for a few years, but the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic and the ‘pause’ in anticipation of a new Presbytery Mission Plan led to a delay in the arrival of a new minister. Marius Louw, who comes from Cape Town in South Africa, was a member of ERC while studying at the Vrije Universiteit as a student.
On Sunday November 24, at Pathhead Parish Church, Kirkcaldy, long service certificates were presented to: Session Clerk, Linda Hugh, Property Convener, Angus Hugh and former Treasurer, Peter Martin. Minister, the Rev Andrew Donald, said that it was a fitting conclusion to the church’s bicentenary celebrations over the previous year.
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