Thursday December 12 2024
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The guest preacher at Largo Parish Church’s Advent Sunday service was the Rev Colin Brown, Moderator of the United Free Church of Scotland.
Mr Brown is pictured with Largo’s interim moderator and locum minister, the Very Rev Dr Russell Barr. The two trained together at Edinburgh’s New College in the late 1970s, and have remained friends since.
Dr Barr said: “It was a pleasure to welcome Colin to Largo and to share the service with him. As well as being the current Moderator of the UF Church, Colin has been the denomination's Principal Clerk. As such he has been a leading figure in Scottish Church life over many years and very committed to working ecumenically with his colleagues in other denominations."
Pulteneytown and Thrumster Church of Scotland welcomed 14 new members on December 8. Among these, three people chose to affirm their faith through adult baptism immediately before their admission.
The congregation anticipates welcoming four more new members in coming weeks.
Pictured: the new members with the Rev Linda Broadley (locum minister for the congregation), who conducted the service, and senior elder David Brener.
Fife Eden Tay Parish held an annual Gift service at Freuchie Kirk on Sunday December 8. A large amount of gifts were brought in by both church and community members. The gifts are given to a local charity to brighten up young lives on Christmas day.
The photo shows the Rev Ian Hamilton, Margaret Cuthbert, Babs Stevenson and Ailsa and Rhona Armstrong.
On Sunday December 1, Isle of Arran Parish celebrated a united communion conducted by interim moderator the Rev Tom Macintyre. During the service two new elders were ordained and nine received long service certificates.
Pictured above: the long service certificate recipients: Back row (from left): Anne Pringle, Sharon Macleod, Gill Gregory, Eric Borland, Alan Burnett; front: Myrna Boal, Isabel Davie, Evelyn Hamilton, Jean Hunter.
Below: the two new elders, Anne Hart and Mairi Farquhar, with Mr Macintyre
Eight elders of Dornoch Firth Church of Scotland have received long service certificates. Pictured, back row: Donald Simmonds (45 years); Michael Brown (38), Trish Geddes (31), Willie Mackay (42); front row: Gladys McCulloch (37), Donald Goskirk (50), Evellyn Calder (31), John Calder (31).
Life and Work is the magazine of the Church of Scotland. Subscribe here.
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