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A Prayer for Easter Day

A Prayer for Easter Day

Sunday April 12 2020

From the Rt Rev Colin Sinclair, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland 2019-2020

Lord Jesus Christ,
risen from the dead, we worship you.
on this Day of days

We bless you,
that it was impossible for death to hold you;
that the last word lay not with Caiaphas, or Herod
or Pilate
but with your Father,
and that word was:
that life is stronger than death,
light is stronger than darkness,
and love is stronger than hate.

We rejoice,
that the price has been paid,
the sting of death has been drawn,
the power of death has been broken,
the victory won,
and new life can start now,

and eternal life hereafter.
We thank you,
that for those who had failed you, there was forgiveness,
and there still is;
for those who had doubted, there was found faith,
and there still is;
for those who had hidden behind locked doors, there
was an open door,
and there still is;
and for all, the promise of your presence, your peace
and your power,
and there still is.

Glory be to our God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
now and always.


Seeing is Believing: an Easter reflection by the Very Rev Dr Derek Browning