Wednesday August 18 2021
Since the last time I wrote, coronavirus rates have fallen in Nepal. Our Delta-variant wave that began in April had subsided by July, though not back to the low levels of the winter. UMN’s two hospitals in the rural hill country still have a steady flow of COVID-19 patients, but not enough to overflow our available beds or oxygen plant capacity. Most parts of Nepal could tell a similar story.
We expect that this is only a lull before another big wave, however. As we look to the experience of other countries around the world, it is hard to believe that Nepal would have reached the combination of recovered and vaccinated people to bring lasting immunity. As I write, only around 12% of Nepal’s population is fully vaccinated, thanks to donations of vaccines from India, China, Bhutan, Japan, and America.
Vaccination is our only hope for preventing a long succession of devastating waves—and vaccine nationalism is our deadliest enemy, as I testified at the Church of Scotland General Assembly earlier this year. If rich countries around the world continue to prioritise booster doses and vaccines for their lowest-risk citizens over sharing vaccines with lower-income countries, we will see more devastating waves in Asia and Africa—and potentially new and deadlier variants emerging to threaten the whole world.
We urgently need countries with an oversupply of vaccines to increase their vaccine donations to countries like Nepal, and to do so at large scale. The UK has finally in the past couple of weeks taken the first steps to do so, sending a few million doses abroad. As British citizens we must continue to press our government to do more, not only out of compassion, but from the recognition that as long as other countries remain a spawning ground for new variants, none of us is safe.
Meanwhile, the pandemic continues to bring new disruptions to the work of the United Mission to Nepal—including a very personal disruption. My family and I have been told that we will need to leave the country by the first week of September. COVID-related delays to our government agreements, work visa process, and the passport renewal of one of our sons have combined to exhaust our valid visa days for 2021.
While we can and will work remotely from abroad, the time zone difference will be a major challenge for me joining office meetings and for my sons joining online classes at their school in Kathmandu. The next few months will be a crucial handover time as my successor, UMN’s first Nepali executive director, takes the helm. We will now have to carry out much of that handover at long distance, before I have the chance to return in January to wrap up our time with UMN.
We’re grateful for prayer for Nepal, for UMN, and for our family in this time of continuing uncertainty and upheaval.
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