March 2025
Monday June 5 2023
Creator God
High King of heaven
Designer of the cosmos
Sustainer of all that breathes
all that moves and has its being.
We worship you
Your power is seen in the movement of the planets
the stars of the midnight sky
the turning of the seasons
the ebb and flow of the tides.
We praise you.
For we are wonderfully made
created for worship
warmed by your love
freed by your forgiveness
We are your children
We see your generous grace
in the greening of the grass
hear it in the hissing of summer lawns
teeming with tiny lives
All precious, all loved
Would that our care was enough.
Would that we were not wasters
of all that is yours
all that is beautiful
all that feeds us and makes us whole.
Stretch out your hands O God
and hold us.
Open our eyes to all that is contrary,
all that hurts and destroys.
That we might
have and offer life
in all its glory and gladness
through the gifting of your Spirit
and for the sake of your Son.
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