Tuesday May 15 2018
Saturday May 19
Council of Assembly
Place: Quaker Meeting House Hall, 2 Victoria Terrace
Time: 12.30-2pm
All are welcome to join the Council’s Fringe event hosted by the Stewardship and Finance Department. Learn more about how the Church’s Ministry and Mission is funded and some of the financial issues facing both the national and local Church. There will be a question and answer session and a sandwich lunch will be provided. Please email your questions in advance to amacintosh@churchofscotland.org.uk
Sunday May 20
Heart and Soul
Place: Princes Street Gardens
Time: 2-6pm
The annual celebration of the life of the Church of Scotland
Monday May 21
World Mission Council
Place: St Columba’s by the Castle
Time: 12.30-1.45pm
Across the world, partners are living out their calling to witness to their faith in very different environments from our own, and often living alongside other faiths – in harmony , or uneasily, or in anxiety, or in fear. Our Christian partners have different attitudes, forged from their own history, particular traditions, and experience, and these need to be considered as we engage with them as part of the world church. Come and hear the voices of some of our Assembly visitors as they share some their stories of how their churches seek to live and work in an interfaith context. Snack lunch provided.
St Andrews University Alumni
Place: Quaker Meeting House Library, Victoria Terrace
Time: 12.30-2pm
A sandwich lunch for all St Mary’s College (St Andrews University) alumni attending the General Assembly.
Scottish Faiths Action for Refugees
Place: 1st Floor Hall, Quaker Meeting House
Time: 12.30-2pm
Hear from Wendy Young (Worship and Theology Partnerships, Christian Aid Scotland and Vice-Convener of the Church and Society Council) and get your copy of Wendy’s new paper Shoulder to Shoulder, a theological reflection on migration.
Meet David Bradwell, refugee co-ordinator, and
find out about the work of Scottish Faiths Action for Refugees, the Church of Scotland-led partnership working with Scotland’s main Christian, Muslim, Jewish and Interfaith organisations.
Learn about With Refugees Scotland, a new network of congregations and faith based organisations working together to respond to refugee issues, and how you can get involved.
SPILL THE BEANS: Bringing the Scriptures to life with the Spill the Beans Resource Team
Place: Riddell’s Court Library
Time: 12.30-2pm
In 2018/19 the team behind the Spill The Beans worship and age group resources will be embarking on a journey through the Bible stories that are less well travelled by either the Revised Common Lectionary or Narrative Lectionary. Join us to meet members of the team and find out how Spill The Beans resources can enliven worship and lead you to explore the depth and breadth of the Scriptures. Lunch is provided.
Walking Together with Young People
Place: General Assembly Hall
Time: 6-7.30pm
During this General Assembly in the Year of Young People, there will be a special youth-led evening of celebration and inspiration. Commissioners and others are welcome.
Tuesday May 22
Go For It and Priority Areas Present Narratives of Hope
Place: St Columba’s by the Castle
Time: 12.30pm
Come and be inspired by the stories of the work being done in Priority Areas parishes and projects that Go For It has funded while enjoying a buffet lunch. Through photographs, video and in conversation, you will find out about the work being done across Scotland by both of these initiatives, and how your congregation might be supported to make a difference. Lunch and refreshments provided.
Trinity College Alumni and Candidates Lunch
Place: The Hub, Edinburgh Festival Centre, Castlehill
Time: 12.30-2pm
Alumni and candidates are warmly invited to The Hub. Please email Beverley.Friend@glasgow.ac.uk to confirm.
Towards a Building Strategy
Venue: Quaker Meeting House, 7 Victoria Street, Edinburgh (1st floor hall)
Time: 12.30-2pm - buffet; presentation - 1pm
Come and meet the General Trustees as they start to develop a strategy for church buildings. What are the key issues that need to be addressed? What should be the priorities? What should be the outcome? Your opportunity to see if you agree with the direction in which the Trustees propose to travel’
Church Service Society AGM
Place: Greyfriars Kirk
Time: 5.30pm (Presidential address 6pm)
The Rev Scott McCarthy, Langholm Eskdalemuir Ewes and Westerkirk explores Langholm’s Hugh MacDiarmid’s damning verdict on the church ‘The core o’ ocht is only for the few’. Supper after: book with Secretary dgalbraith@churchofscotland.org.uk by May 18.
Guild “Big Sing”
Place: General Assembly Hall
Time: 7pm
On the Tuesday evening of Assembly, the Guild will be hosting its latest “Big Sing at Assembly”. This will be a great evening, rounding off the 2015-18 strategy, “Be Bold! Be Strong!” and marking the end of the current three year project partnerships, with all six partners taking part.
An offering will be taken to support the work of our friends in the Synod of Livingstonia of the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian. This will support work at the Louden Teacher Training College at Embangweni and a tailoring workshop being developed by the Umanyano, the Women’s Guild in Malawi.
Tickets are available from Guild Office in advance or can be placed in boxes if requested.
Wednesday May 23
It’s the Year of Young People but do we care?
Place: St Columba’s-by-the-Castle
Time: 12noon-2pm (Free Lunch)
This event will be led by Professor Andrew Kendrick, University of Strathclyde, and CrossReach staff. A chance to explore together the questions: Can we end child stigma and discrimination in Scotland? How can we learn from children and young people’s personal experiences of stigma and discrimination?
How can we tackle stigma at individual, organisational, and societal level?
Church of Scotland Housing and Loan Fund for Retired Ministers and Widows and Widowers of Ministers
Place: Senate Room, New College
Time: 12.45pm
Ministers and their spouses are very welcome to come along to a brief presentation detailing the assistance offered by the Housing and Loan Fund. Thereafter there will be an opportunity for questions, and also to make individual appointments to discuss personal situations with regard to retirement housing. Light refreshments will be provided.
Place for Hope
Place: Quaker Meeting House
Time: 12.30-2pm
Our churches and faith groups face change, encounter difference and experience conflict. In times of change or challenge, we know that practical support can help. We offer learning programmes, facilitated conversations and coaching to enable more open dialogue around important or challenging subjects.
Come and meet some of our team who will share their experiences of peacebuilding and reconciliation, exploring what Place for Hope continues to offer the church and community.
We gratefully acknowledge funding from Ministries Council which means that our core service can be offered without charge (at the point of delivery) to Church of Scotland ministers, congregations and presbyteries. Sandwich lunch provided.
The Irish Gathering
Place: The Harry Younger Hall, 3 Lochend Close, Canongate
Time: 5.30 for 6pm
Further details are from the Rev William McLaren WMclaren@churchofscotland.org.uk (tel. 01382 459119)
Thursday May 24
Making the invisible visible
Place: Riddell’s Court Library (Conference Room), 322 Lawnmarket
Time: 12.30-2pm
The Committee on Church Art and Architecture and the Mission and Discipleship Council will be hosting Gardner & Gardner, the artists who are creating an art installation for this year’s General Assembly, who will be exploring some of the possibilities and questions that emerge when the Church mixes contemporary art practice and pioneer ministry.
Investing in Young People
Place: St Columba’s By the Castle
Time: 12:45-1.45pm
An opportunity to explore how the Church, and we as part of it, might better contribute to the full flourishing of Scotland’s young people. Organised by the Church and Society Council.
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