General Assembly
Beginner's Guide to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland
The General Assembly is the Church of Scotland’s highest decision-making body. It meets annually in May for a week (Saturday to Thursday, with no business on the Sunday), in the
Assembly Halls (right) in Edinburgh.
It is attended by:
- Around 500 Commissioners, a mixture of ministers and church Elders who have been sent from each of the church’s Presbyteries (regional groupings)
- Youth delegates: Presbyteries are also invited to send youth representatives. Youth delegates may speak and propose motions, but do not have a vote.
- Corresponding members, mostly representatives of church departments, who may speak but not vote.
- Representatives of other churches, UK and overseas, who again may speak but not vote.
Since 2022, Commissioners may attend either in person or online.
The Assembly is chaired by the Moderator. The proposed Moderator, or Moderator-Designate, is selected by a committee several months beforehand, and presented to the Assembly for approval on the opening morning. The Moderator serves for the rest of the year in an ambassadorial role, before opening the next General Assembly and overseeing the election of his/her successor.
Former Moderators are available on a rota to take the chair if the Moderator needs a break or has business elsewhere.
Also at the top table are:
- The Principal Clerk to the General Assembly
- The Solicitor of the Church
- The Procurator, a QC or advocate, principal legal advisor to the General Assembly
- Assorted clerks and other officials
The monarch, who has no authority over the Church of Scotland, is invited to attend the Assembly as a spectator but usually sends a representative, known as the Lord High Commissioner. This may be someone from the royal family or more often a member of the House of Lords or someone prominent in Scottish public life. He/she gives speeches at the beginning and end of the Assembly, hosts ceremonial occasions at Holyrood Palace, and spends much of the week travelling around Scotland visiting church projects. In the hall, the Lord High Commissioner sits in a throne above and behind the Moderator, symbolically separate from the General Assembly.
During the Assembly, the Lord High Commissioner is the only person in the UK, besides the monarch, whose car has no registration plate. They are screwed back on during the closing ceremony.
Assembly business takes the form of reports from church forums, committees, associated organisations (such as the Scottish Bible Society and the Iona Community) and any special commissions which are due to report.
The reports to the Assembly are compiled in what is colloquially known (for obvious reasons) as the Blue Book. Supplementary reports (ones which were not complete in time for the publication of the Blue Book) are printed separately, in the Order of Proceedings. Assembly papers are produced almost daily, including notices of motion and minutes of preceding days. Papers are now mostly accessed electronically.
Reports are introduced by the relevant convener, who makes a speech and responds to questions, comments and motions from the hall.
Each report includes a proposed deliverance, broken into a number of sections, which can be instructions to the council/committee, instructions or recommendations to presbyteries and congregations, or statements of the Assembly. Commissioners can move amendments, addenda and counter-motions to sections, move to reject them entirely or propose new sections. Conveners can choose to accept a motion or resist it; if they resist it goes to a debate and a vote. Each section is debated in turn until finally the Assembly is asked to approve the deliverance as a whole.
An overture is a motion brought by one court of the church to another. In the context of the General Assembly, it usually refers to a motion brought to the Assembly by a Presbytery.
Individuals and groups may also petition the Assembly about matters which affect them.
The Barrier Act is a piece of legislation under which, if a General Assembly makes a fundamental change to church law, it must be referred to Presbyteries. If a majority of Presbyteries agree to the change, it then comes back to the following General Assembly which must also approve it.
The day-to-day business is managed by the Procedure Committee, whose convener usually gives an update each morning.
Worship: Each morning opens with worship in the Assembly Hall, including one or two hymns or psalms, readings, prayers and a reflection from the Moderator. Communion is held on Monday morning, and the Assembly also closes with worship on Thursday. On Sunday, there is an Assembly service in St Giles' Cathedral and a Gaelic service in Greyfriars Kirk.
Fringe: A number of organisations and church departments hold events during General Assembly week. Most happen at lunchtimes in venues near the Assembly Halls, although there are some evening events too. They can be purely social occasions, or aimed at promoting a group’s work or launching a new project or publication.