Tuesday February 25 2020
An appeal has gone out for volunteers to act as guides to Glasgow Cathedral.
The Cathedral, which dates back to the 12th century, is one of Scotland’s leading visitor attractions, welcoming nearly half a million tourists in 2018 according to Historic Environment Scotland.
The volunteer guides are organised by the Society of Friends of Glasgow Cathedral, a non-denominational body which supports the care and preservation of the building.
Charles Dorward, convenor of the volunteer guides, said: “With increasing numbers of visitors to Scotland the Volunteer Guides of Glasgow Cathedral welcome people from all over the world, as well as nearer home.
“Our aim is to give them a warm welcome and share our love of this beautiful and unique building - an admired example of mediaeval Gothic architecture with a fantastic collection of twentieth century stained glass which encapsulates the history of Scotland, its church and the city of Glasgow while still functioning as a Church of Scotland parish church and the ‘Mother Church’ of the city.”
Volunteer guides usually commit one half day a week during the summer months. No church affiliation is needed, and full training is given.
There is more information at http://www.glasgowcathedral.org.uk/glasgow-cathedral-guides/, which also includes details on how to contact Mr Dorward, or call the Cathedral Office on 0141 552 8198.
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