Thursday August 20 2020
Send items of parish news to or Life and Work, 121 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 4YN. All submissions will also be considered for the magazine, but we are unable to print everything we receive.
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The minister of Macduff Parish Church, the Rev Hugh O'Brien (left), and the pastor of Banff River Church, Robert McArthur (right), joined the minister of Banff Parish Church, the Rev David Locke, on the final leg of his marathon month walking a mile a day in his clerical robes.
They walked sharing the carrying of the cross together from River Church to Macduff Parish Church.
The marathon has been undertaken by members of Banff Parish Church over the last month to raise funds for the church which have been significantly affected by lockdown.
It was also meant as a witness that Christ's church is very much present and active in the community.
A small group of ladies from Hope Park and Martyrs Church in St Andrews have been busy over the past few years knitting woolly hats for the Mission to Seafarers. To date, just short of 2,000 hats have been delivered to the Rev Tim Tunley, the Chaplain to the Society. He is pictured with the latest batch of 317 hats, knitted during the lockdown period.
Post Tags: parish news round-up
This week's round-up includes a marathon fundraising walk in Banff and a Fife church devot...
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This week's round-up includes a marathon fundraising walk in Banff and a Fife church devot...
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This week's round-up includes a marathon fundraising walk in Banff and a Fife church devot...
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