Thursday August 27 2020
Send items of parish news to or Life and Work, 121 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 4YN. All submissions will also be considered for the magazine, but we are unable to print everything we receive.
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A team of 34 people from across the UK came together to create an online ecumenical holiday club at Milton of Campsie, Glasgow.
Meeting by Facebook and Zoom, the GoMAD team (most in their teens or early twenties) produced 37 events in all, including 10 Holiday Club sessions, seven Sundown services and two Sunday services. There was also a livestreamed ‘Bit of a Sing For All’.
The climax, at the end of two weeks, was an online concert. This featured all members of the team in music, art and drama. Seaside Mission ‘veterans’ formed an emotional virtual choir, and four local clergy made a brief but tuneful appearance.
As a thank-offering for GoMAD, people were asked to make a difference with an online donation. Over £2500 was raised and divided among four charities – Christian Aid, Breast Cancer Now, Scottish Bible Society and Strathcarron Hospice.
Castle Douglas Parish Church is up a hill but has some railings at the bottom which was used to let the parish know they were still up and running and that God was still part of the community during lockdown. A ‘basket of hope’ has been attached to the railings, containing verses of hope and short prayers. Over 300 of the notes have been taken from the basket. Minister, the Rev Alison Burnside, said: “Complete strangers with no connection to the church have come and thanked me for them.”
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