Tuesday September 8 2020
Trinity College and the Department of Theology & Religious Studies at the University of Glasgow are offering a series of short online courses this autumn to help church leaders and members respond to the changes caused by the covid-19 pandemic.
The three courses will cover managing church change, designing and leading worship, and ‘Reimagining Christian Practice in an Age of Uncertainty’.
Classes take place in the evenings and each last ten weeks, from the end of this month to early December.
The courses are accessible to people from a wide range of backgrounds, with no entry requirements. They will be taught by experienced church leaders and practical theologians and credited by the University – so they will qualify towards a Higher Education certificate or other theology programmes.
Each class will cost £200. The university suggests that local congregations may sponsor or support students to take the course, and subsidies are available for leader from Church of Scotland Priority Area parishes.
The deadline for enrolment is September 21. For more information visit https://www.trinitycollegeglasgow.co.uk/short-courses.
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