Thursday November 5 2020
Send items of parish news to or Life and Work, 121 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 4YN. All submissions will also be considered for the magazine, but we are unable to print everything we receive.
Please check the quality of your pictures: images which are too small, blurry or too dark cannot be used. If there are children in any picture please confirm that their parents or guardians have given permission for publication.
A church elder from Strathaven, South Lanarkshire, has published a biography of a charity founder whose work he helps to support.
Tom Sutherland is an Australian who has spent his last forty years in India devoting his life to helping the poor, the sick and the destitute people in Kerela, south India. His charity, the Banyan Tree, is supported by Health Help International (HHI), based in Wales but with an active support group in Strathaven.
Iain Park chairs the Strathaven group, which is made up mostly of members of the town’s two parish churches, and has known Tom since his first visit to Kerela in 2010.
Proceeds from the book will go to HHI and support Tom Sutherland’s work in India. It is available from the Strathaven Friends of HHI online shop.
Probably for the first time since it was opened as St Andrew’s Church in June 1902, Blairgowrie Parish Church was full to capacity on Sunday October 25. But while the attendance in 1902 was reported to be in excess of 700, the 2020 ‘packed house’ was, due to Covid-19 restrictions, the maximum permitted of 50.
The morning service included the ordination and admission of new elders Mary Dow and Roger Mackey, and the admission of Dorothea and Clifford Cooke, Colleen Joslin, and Elinor and Charlie Smith, who had all been ordained in previous congregations.
The usual welcome to the Kirk Session of the right hand of fellowship was prohibited and replaced with a waving of hands.
The new elders are pictured with minister the Rev Benjamin Abeledo.
Suitably masked and socially distanced, Evelyn McPhee and Maureen Fenton assist with a collection for Syrian refugees at Forfar St Margaret's Church.
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