March 2025
Six new partner projects, including charities which work to tackle eating disorders and adoption and an initiative to develop sustainable chocolate production in South East Asia, have been unveiled by the Church of Scotland Guild.
The Guild, which works in partnership with six projects in a three-year fundraising drive, announced the new funding partners at a special launch in April.
Announcing the new projects, Guild General Secretary Iain Whyte said: “One of the most enjoyable, exciting yet challenging tasks in Guild life is the choice of new project partners, which happens every three years.
“Every time, we receive a huge range of applications from groups doing wonderful work both at home in Scotland and around the world.
“This latest selection process was no different and it is a real, God-given privilege to be able to be part of the choosing and frustrating that we can’t help more of these amazing people as they strive to serve.
“I am sure that we have chosen well and that the Guild’s members will learn a lot about a range of work and that they will, as ever, support that work prayerfully over the next three years.”
The new project partners are:
The Guild raised over £520,000 for its six previous partners between 2018 and 2021 - the Boys’ Brigade’s intergenerational project focussing on IT; Journeying together, a partnership between the Guild and the World Mission council, which helped teenage mothers in Zambia living in poverty; Malawi Fruits, a charity which helped young people to farm cash crops and to irrigate using solar-powered pumps; Seema’s Project, which was launched to protect street children in Pune, India who are vulnerable to being trafficked; Join Up the Dots, a new partnership between CrossReach (the Church’s Social Care Council) and the Guild, which tackled loneliness and isolation, and the Sailors’ Society, which aims to place a chaplain in every port in Scotland to give spiritual and practical support to merchant seamen who are often far from home.
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